Hello, today I will guide you on how to upload files (or website files) using CPanel File Manager.  If you are unfamiliar with File Manager in cPanel, not to worry, as long as you have an active hosting account with us you will accomplish this.

1. First step is to login to your CPanel account. (you can find your login detail in the Welcome Email we sent you)
2. On CPanel home screen under the files section click "File Manager".
3. Next, choose where you'd like to upload to. For this example, Web Root which is the public_html folder. If you'd like to upload to another folder, simply select the folder. Usually all public folders are arranged in Public_html.
4. Select "Upload" from the icons at the top.
5. Navigate to the file you want to upload on your local computer by clicking the "Choose File" button.
Select the file and click "Open". Wait for the file upload to finish then you can click on the link in the cetner of the screen to retrun to the folder you uploaded the file to.
7. Now, in a web browser, you can visit the file and verify it uploaded to the location correctly.

If you'd like to upload your website files please take this steps before and after you upload.
1. Select your website files and arrange them in a folder
2. Compress the folder into a .zip folder 
3. Follow the upload steps above

1. After you've successfully uploaded your website file (zipped folder), click on the link in the cetner of the screen to retrun to the folder you uploaded the file to
2. Select the zipped file you uploaded
3. Right click on it and select extract option or simply click on extract icon on top.
4. By now you should see the folder you arranged your website files in. 
5. Next, select all the files and folder then click on move icon on top
6. Move the entire files and folder to Public_html folder
7. In a web browser, visit the domain (or path) you have uploaded the files to.

Cheers, you have succesfully upload your file/website :)
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