
Adding common DNS records in Plesk Adding common DNS records in Plesk Login to Plesk Click "Websites & Domains" Click... Create a MySQL database in Plesk Login to Plesk Click "Websites & Domains" Click "Databases" Click "Add New Database"... How To Create A Password Protected Directory On Plesk Yes, not all users who visited your website have good intentions of visiting your website. Some... How can I add Domain Aliases in Plesk? You can add unlimited Domain Aliases, which will allow you have multiple domain names load the... How do I find error logs?   You can find the error logs in a few different places:In Plesk Login to Plesk Click on... How do i access my plesk control panel Your Control Panel puts management of your server in your hands. You can configure and maintain... How to add new user on plesk password directory Log on to plesk and goto the website and domains area Click the desired password directory you... How to backup database on plesk Follow this steps to backup database on plesk: Login to your plesk dashboard  If you a... How to change a password of a user on password directory Goto plesk website and domain Click on password protected directories Click on the directory... How to change contact information on plesk Steps to change your previous contact information on plesk: Goto plesk dashboard Click on... How to change hosting subscription password on plesk   STEPS TO CHANGE YOUR HOSTING SUBSCRIPTION PASSWORD OR USERNAME ON FTP OR SSH Goto website... How to change plesk control panel password Follow this steps to change your password on plesk control panel: Click your name on the plesk... How to change title of protected directory on plesk Go to website and domain area Click password protected directories Click on desire password... How to create email accounts in Plesk Panel The following steps will guide you when creating email account in Plesk: Login to Plesk. If... How to give clients access to plesk control panel Steps to give clents acess to plesk control panel Log on to plesk dashboard  Click the domain... How to give write permission to a file on plesk Steps to grant write permission to plesk control panel  file or folder: Log on to plesk... How to install wordpress on plesk Follow this steps to intall wordpress succefully on plesk Log on to plesk and goto wordpress... How to remove a user from plesk password directory Goto plesk website and domain area  Click password protected directories option Click the... How to remove password protection from a directory on plesk Goto website and domain Click on password protected directories Click on the password... How to restore a plesk database Follow this step to restor your lost database on plesk: Log in to Plesk with your link given... How to setup Auto reply mail on plesk  Steps to create auto reply mail on plesk: Log on to plesk  Goto mail area click email... Problem with site theme not showing after upload Follow this steps to solve the problem: make sure your website file and folder is uploaded under...
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